Today, let us to talk about Hbase with Fully Distributed Mode.
My environment as below download from Apache:
JDK 1.8.0_65
Hbase 1.1.2
I have one hbase master and four hbase regionServers
These server are must install hbase(including hbase master) and they are have the same configuration files.
My hbase master is also my HDFS namenode server, I deployed them on the same machine.
You also can deploy hbase matser different from hadoop namenode.
Now Let's go.
1.Download Hbase From
Copy File to your hbase master machine & tar it & move the folder to the place you want
2.Go to your hbase conf file and edit hbase-site.xml, add content as below for your environment
3.Edit & add content as below, the hbase-manages-zk attribute means start-hbase incluing start zookeeper, or you must start zookeeper by another script.
4.Edit regionservers file, remove defailt config localhost , and add your hosts of hbase regionservers.
5.Compress your hbase folder and scp to other regionservers
6.Uncompress hbase.tar.gz for your all regionservers to the place you want.
7.Start Hbase and Zookeeper, to see Hbase master on http://hadoop-master:16010
You can see the zookeeper config as below.
恭喜~* 若您需要使用 Phoenix + Hbase的話 請繼續參考下一篇教學